Ordering a postpaid subscription

To reduce the possible risk of selling services within the Postpay model when a customer pays after using a service, a reseller can limit using the Postpay model by accounts as follows:

  • Ordering a postpaid subscription to a trial or commercial period is available depending on the value of the Allow an account to order a postpaid subscription parameter (see Managing financial settings):
    • Automatically — all new and existing accounts can order postpaid subscriptions without manual approval from a manager (by default).
    • Manually — to order a postpaid subscription (only commercial or trial, too — depending on the settings), an account needs to get approval from a manager. As a result, an account can have one of the following Work permit for postpaid statuses:

      • Verification not performed — an account did not order postpaid subscriptions when manual approval from a manager was expected. A manager can order for the account the first postpaid subscription, including a new postpaid subscription, as well as renewing and switching a postpaid subscription, but to confirm and provision the order, an Allow an account has postpaid subscriptions manual operation must be approved so the account will get the Approved status.
      • Approval required — an account attempted to order the first postpaid subscription when manual approval from a manager was expected. The account is being reviewed by a manager. The account is under review, and ordering a new postpaid subscription and renewing and switching a postpaid subscription are not available.
      • Declined — a manager denied an account to order postpaid subscriptions. Ordering a new postpaid subscription and renewing and switching a postpaid subscription are not available.
      • Approved — a manager allowed an account to order postpaid subscriptions on the account creation (see Creating an account) or after the account attempted to order the first postpaid subscription. Orders submitted by a customer and approved by a manager with an Allow an account has postpaid subscriptions manual operation before version 7.0 (see Release Notes) are displayed as created by that manager rather than by the customer. Orders submitted by one manager and approved by another before version 7.6 (see Release Notes) are displayed as created by the manager who approved a manual operation.
  • Switching from Manually to Automatically in the Allow an account to order a postpaid subscription parameter leads to the following:
    • All existing manual operations remain in their statuses.
    • Provisioning of subscriptions blocked by manual operations in the Approval required status starts once the manual operations are approved.
    • Provisioning of subscriptions blocked by manual operations in the Declined status does not start.
    • The current value of the Work permit for postpaid parameter for existing accounts remains.
    • All new and existing accounts can order new postpaid subscriptions without manual approval from a manager.
  • Switching back from Automatically to Manually in the Allow an account to order a postpaid subscription parameter leads to the following:
    • Existing subscriptions continue working regardless of the current values of the Work permit for postpaid parameter of the existing accounts.
    • The current value of the Work permit for postpaid parameter for existing accounts remains.
    • For new subscriptions, manual operations are created according to the current values of the Work permit for postpaid parameter of accounts.

Changing the Postpay model settings multiple times is not recommended because it may lead to the unwanted limitation of operations with existing subscriptions for a part of the accounts.