Viewing and updating a plan category

In this article:

Viewing a plan category

To view a plan category:

  1. Go to Plan Categories (see Navigation). The list of plan categories is displayed (see Viewing the list of plan categories).
  2. Click the ID, name, or key of a plan category. The plan category details page is displayed.
    The page includes the following tabs:

Updating a plan category

To update a plan category:

  1. On the General tab, edit the required parameters (see Creating a plan category).
  2. Click Update. The changes are applied on the current reseller level only. For a plan category delegated to downstream resellers, they need to update it individually.

Deleting a plan category

It is not possible to delete a plan category if it is linked to a plan.

To delete a plan category, on the General tab, click Delete and confirm the action.