Managing a product line

In this article:

Viewing product line information

To view the details of a product line:

  1. Go to Product lines (see Navigation). The list of product lines is displayed (see Viewing the list of product lines).
  2. Click the ID or name of the required product line. The product line details page is displayed with the following tabs:
    • General info — information similar to the new product line page (see Creating a product line). Additionally, the Delegated attribute is displayed — indicates whether a product line is delegated from the upstream reseller:
      • Yes — a product line is linked to a plan delegated from the upstream reseller (see Delegating plans to resellers). The current reseller cannot use it in their products, update, or delete it.
      • No — a product line is created by the current reseller and available for managing.
    • Products — the list of products linked to the product line.
    • Log — the history of changes of the product line details (see Viewing an object log).

Updating product line information

  • Updating is not available for product lines with Delegated = Yes.
  • The vendor is not available for changing in a product line if the product line is linked to any products (see below).

To update the product line details:

  1. On the General info tab of the product line details page, configure the product line similarly to entering its information during the creation (see Creating a product line).
  2. Click Update. The changes are applied to all linked products.

Viewing the list of products linked to a product line

To view the list of products linked to a product line, go to the Products tab of the product line details page. A page with the list is displayed.

The list of products includes the following columns:

  • ID — the unique identification number of a product.
  • Name — the name of a product.
  • Public — indicates whether a product is available for selling.
  • Delegated — indicates whether a product is delegated from the upstream reseller.
  • Updated at — the date and time when a product was updated.

From the Products tab, you can create a new product linked to the current product line and its vendor. Click Create and complete the steps described in Creating a product.

Deleting a product line

Deleting is not available for product lines with Delegated = Yes.

To delete a product line, on the General info tab of the product line details page, click Delete and confirm the action. The product line is deleted for all linked products. To assign a new product line to a product, see Viewing and updating product information.