Viewing and updating an MFA method

Updating multi-factor authentication (MFA) methods is available only to the manager you are logged in to the Operator Control Panel.

The current version of the platform supports only one MFA method — the authenticator application, so a manager can have only one MFA method added.

To view and update an MFA method:

  1. In the top right corner of any page of the Operator Control Panel, click the email of the manager you are logged in. The manager's details page is displayed (see Viewing and updating manager's information).
  2. Go to the MFA tab. The list of the added MFA methods is displayed (see Viewing the list of the added MFA methods).
  3. Click the name of an MFA method. The MFA method details page is displayed. The page includes the following elements:
    • Method — a read-only list.
    • Default — a read-only checkbox.

      Since a manager can have only one MFA method added in the current version of the platform, updating is not available.

    • Reset — a button to reset and configure an MFA method. To reset and configure an MFA method:
      1. Click Reset. The Verify Identity page is displayed.
      2. Enter the 6-digit code displayed by your authenticator application. 
      3. Click Confirm. The MFA method setup page is displayed.
      4. Follow the instructions and configure your authenticator application. For details, see Adding an MFA method.
    • Delete — a button to delete an MFA method. To delete an MFA method:
      1. Click Delete. The Verify Identity page is displayed.
      2. Enter the 6-digit code displayed by your authenticator application.
      3. Confirm the action.