
On the Consumption dynamics tab, you can view download a report (.XLSX) with information about the closed charges and applied discounts of the partner for the selected period.

The report file includes the following columns:

  • ID списания — the ID of a charge in ActivePlatform.
  • Дата закрытия списания — the close date of a charge (DD.MM.YYYY).
  • Описание — the description of a charge.
  • ID Клиента — the ID of a customer who uses a subscription linked to a charge (see Client details).
  • Клиент — the name of a customer who uses a subscription linked to a charge (see Client details).
  • ID Подписки — the ID of a subscription linked to a charge (see Subscription details).
  • Название подписки — the name of a subscription linked to a charge (see Subscription details).
  • Цена за единицу в валюте тарифного плана — the unit price of a resource in the plan currency (see Subscription details).
  • Количество — the number of ordered units of a resource (see Subscription details).
  • Период — the period (in months) covered by a charge. For example, 1 day= 0.033, 2 years= 24.
  • Период/тип тарификации — for recurring charges — За месяц, for other charges — Единоразово.
  • Дата начала периода, оплаченного cписанием — the start date of the period covered by a charge (DD.MM.YYYY).
  • Дата окончания периода, оплаченного cписание — the end date of the period covered by a charge (DD.MM.YYYY).
  • Сумма в валюте тарифного плана — the amount of a charge in the plan price.
  • Валюта тарифного плана — the ISO code of the plan currency.
  • Скидка в валюте реселлера — the amount of a discount in the partner currency (see Company profile and managers).
  • Сумма (с учетом скидки) в валюте реселлера — the amount of a charge in the partner price (see Company profile and managers) including the discount.

To download a report with information about the closed charges of the partner:

  1. Select Analytics in the navigation menu. A page with diagrams and filters will be displayed (see Analytics).
  2. Go to the Reports tab. A page with the Decoding of closed debits for the past periods section is displayed.
  3. Click the icon and select the required period in the appeared calendar:
    1. Select the first day of the start month.
    2. Select the last day of the end month. The selected period is highlighted in the calendar.
  4. Click Generate a report (.xlsx). The report file downloading starts automatically.