
The Analytics section includes information about costs and consumption dynamics of subscriptions. In this section, you can perform the following operations:

  • View the general consumption data for all customers of the partner and their subscriptions.
  • View detailed information per customer or subscription.
  • Download a report with information about the closed charges and applied discounts of the partner.

In Reseller Store, a partner manages customers' subscriptions via managers. For using a subscription and consuming resources of a subscription, Reseller Store bills a partner, not the partner's customers. For more information, see Subscription management.

To go to the Analytics section, select Analytics in the navigation menu. A page with diagrams and filters is displayed.

On this page:

Consumption dynamics

On the Consumption dynamics tab, you can view information about costs and consumption dynamics in the following sections:

  • General consumption structure — a doughnut chart where each segment represents the proportional value of costs per component for the given period.
  • Consumption structure — a stacked bar chart that displays the monthly (or daily) dynamics of costs per component for the given period.
  • Total consumption — the total costs for the given period (the sum of costs of all components in every chart).
  • Consumption dynamics — the costs for the two previous months and the growth rate percentage:
    • A green value corresponds to the positive growth rate.
    • A red value corresponds to the negative growth rate.

On the Consumption dynamics tab, all costs are displayed in the partner currency (see Company profile and managers). Plan currencies used in the catalog (see Catalog) and the subscription details page (see Subscription details) may differ. If so, the ActivePlatform exchange rates are automatically applied.

On the Consumption dynamics tab, all costs do not include any possible discounts of the partner. For information about discounts of the partner, see Reports.

Negative values in the analytics represent refunds to a customer within a subscription with the PAYG external billing type (for example, Microsoft Azure Plan). They decrease the total consumption.

For the detailed description of the diagrams and filters, see Consumption dynamics.


On the Reports tab, you can download a report (.XLSX) with information about the closed charges and applied discounts of the partner. For the detailed description, see Reports.