Renewing a Subscription

Subscription can be renewed in the following modes:

Most of the Subscriptions are renewed automatically. The delayed renewing has restrictions. Additionally, a Subscription can be renewed by switching the Plan — see Delayed Switch plan Order in Changing a Plan of the existing Subscription.

Depending on the Plan terms, renewing some Subscriptions close to the Billing day uses a Renewal Order with an extended period, including not only the rest of the period to the Billing day but also the whole next Billing period. Otherwise, a Prolong Order would be created too close to the next Billing day, and it would not be enough time to pay for the prolongation.

A Renewal Order will not be created if, due to the imposed restrictions, creating an Order for the selected Product is not available for the Account, or the platform fails to complete validation of imposed restrictions:

  • For a failed manual attempt to create an Order, the list of Subscriptions will be displayed with the explaining message. Contact the support team (see Help) or try to repeat the steps above.
  • For a failed automatic attempt to create an Order, no messages are displayed. To get the explanations, contact the support team (see Help).