Creating an Order

The Order is automatically created after the following operations have been performed:

  • Ordering a Subscription via the Customer Control Panel or the online store.
  • Ordering a Subscription via the Operator Control Panel on the Orders page (see below) and the Subscriptions page (see Ordering a Subscription).
  • Changing a number of additional Resources of the Subscription via the Customer Control Panel or via the Operator Control Panel (see Upgrading or Downgrading a Subscription).
  • Switching the Plan of the Subscription via the Customer Control Panel or via the Operator Control Panel (see Switching a Plan).
  • Renewing a Subscription on the Subscription page via the Operator Control Panel (see Renewing a Subscription) or via the Customer Control Panel.

Complete the following steps to create an Order:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. Click Operations > Operations > Orders on the Navigation Bar. The Workspace displays the List of Orders (see Viewing the List of Orders).

  3. Click the Create Order button on the Toolbar.
  4. Select required Account in the Account list on the Order Subscription page (see Managing Accounts).

  5. Select the Plan in the Plan list (see Managing Plans).
  6. Seleсt the subscription period in the Plan period list (see Plan Periods).
  7. Click Create. Selected Plan and Plan period are displayed on the screen.

  8. You can add the additional resources for the subscription in the Additional resource group, which includes the following columns:
    • Resource Name - a name of the additional resource (the link takes you to the resource page);
    • Minimum -  a minimum number of resources which are available to order;
    • Limit - a maximum number which is resources are available to order;
    • Included -  an amount of the resource that is included in the selected plan;
    • Total - a number of the additional resource;
    • Setup Fee - a fee for activating of the additional resources;
    • Recurring Fee/Month - a monthly fee for additional resources.

  9. Click Next. The list of the subscription periods and costs are displayed to the selected service plan.

  10. If you have a promotion code, type it into the Promo Code field to add a discount.

    If you entered the promo code, the Discount raw displays the link, which can be used to view discount's details page (see Viewing and updating Discount's Details).

  11. Look through the order details and click Next. The Subscription will be ordered.