Viewing the List of UI Templates

To view the List of UI Templates:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, go to UI Templates (see Navigation). The UI Templates page is displayed.

The list of UI Templates includes the following columns:

    • Name — the name of the UI Template.
    • Delegated — the attribute is set to Yes if the UI Template was delegated from the upstream Reseller. The attribute is set to No if the UI Template was created by default. The No value is possible only for Operator (see Reseller's settings inheritance).
    • Compare and Update — the column contains the link to the Compare and Update page to compare the state of the UI Template with its default state (for Operator) or the state of the corresponding UI Template of the upstream Reseller (see Comparing and updating a UI Template).
    • Customized — the attribute is set to Yes if the UI Template was edited by a Reseller Manager.
    • Updated at — the date and time when the UI Template was edited or created.

UI Templates are divided into two groups:

System UI Templates are available for displaying and editing only for the Operator on the root level. All Resellers use system UI Templates without any changes.

Conversely, User UI Templates can be edited by any Reseller and delegated to the downstream Resellers. For the details, see Viewing and editing a UI Template.