Main page
On the main page, you can preview information from several sections of Reseller Store and quickly go to its detailed view.
On this page:
In the News section, you can preview the cards of the latest news. To read the news, click the corresponding card. A page will be displayed in a new window.
To scroll the cards, use the
and buttons.Analytics
In the Analytics section, you can view the following information about the consumption of cloud services:
Clients — a doughnut chart where each segment shows the proportional value of costs per customer. The total monthly cost of all subscriptions is displayed below the chart. You can switch between two previous months. The chart includes up to 5 customers with the highest costs. Information about the rest of the customers is untied in the Others group.
One customer's name in the chart may represent several customers with different IDs if they have identical names. In this case, the costs are summed by all their IDs.
- Consumption dynamics — the cost of all subscriptions for the two previous months and the growth rate percentage.
To go to the Analytics section (see Analytics), click All analytics.
In the Catalog section, you can quickly go to a category page of the catalog. Click the required card with the category logo and name. A page with the list of products in the selected category will be displayed.
To scroll the cards, use the Catalog), click All catalog.
and buttons. To go to the Catalog section (seeMy subscriptions
In two tabs of the My subscriptions section, you can view trending information about subscriptions (up to 5 in each tab):
- Expiring — subscriptions that are about to expire or expired recently.
- Recently added — subscriptions ordered most recently.
For a subscription, you can view the following information:
- Subscription name — the ID, name, and status of the subscription.
- Client — the name of a customer who uses the subscription.
- Activation date — the first day of the working period of the subscription.
- Expiration date — the last day of the working period of the subscription. Below the expiration date, you can view the status of the Auto-renew option of the subscription (a read-only checkbox).
To go to the detailed information about a subscription (see Subscription details), click its ID or name.
To go to the detailed information of a customer linked a subscription (see Client details), click the customer's name.
To go to the My subscriptions section (see My subscriptions), click All subscriptions.