Auto-Renewing a Subscription

If for a Subscription, in the Plan period list, the Endless option is selected, the Renewal settings group is not displayed and the auto-renewal option is not available.

If the Auto-renew option is turned on, the Customer will get the Invoice for renewal and payment notification. If the Account Balance has sufficient funds, the Subscription will be paid and renewed automatically on the expiration day.

For a Subscription with the Auto-renew option turned on, a new Renewal Order is not created if a Renewal Order in the Waiting for payment or Waiting for provisioning status already exists.

To turn on the auto-renewal option:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, go to Subscriptions (see Navigation). The list of Subscriptions is displayed (see Viewing the list of Subscriptions).
  3. Click the ID or Name of the Subscription. The Subscription page is displayed (see Viewing and updating Subscription's details).
  4. On the General tab, in the Renewal settings group:
    • To activate automatic completing the Renewal Orders, select the Auto-renew checkbox.
    • If it is necessary to forbid the customer to change the auto-renewal option of the Subscription, select the Disable the Auto-renew option checkbox.
    • Optionally, in the Auto-renew point (days)

      For Subscriptions with the CSP monthlyCSP annual, Pay in full Billing types, Renewal Orders have their specifics (see Delayed renewing of a Subscription).

      For the other Billing types, Renewal Orders are created with the following parameters: Delayed = No, Provisioning date = the Renewal Order creation date (see Viewing Order Details).

    • For Subscriptions ordered at the individual price, in the Subscription renew settings group, select the preferable option of Subscription billing after renewal (see Ordering a Subscription at the individual prices).
    • Optionally, in the Manual renew point (days)

      To make manual renewing of a Subscription available for all the Subscription period, enter -1.

      To make manual renewing of a Subscription completely unavailable, enter 0.

      The Manual renew point cannot be less than the Auto-renew point. If the Manual renew point is -1, the validation is not performed.

  5. Click Update to activate auto-renewing.

Subscriptions in the Stopped status are not auto-renewed even if the Auto renewal checkbox is selected.