Viewing and updating the list of promo vendor plans

A customer is provided with a promo code of a promo vendor after ordering a paid subscription to one of the promo vendor plans.

To view and update the list of promo vendor plans:

  1. Go to Promo Vendors (see Navigation). The list of promo vendors is displayed (see Viewing the list of promo vendors).
  2. Click the ID or name of the required promo vendor. The promo vendor details page is displayed.
  3. Go to the Plans tab. The list of plans is displayed (see Viewing the list of plans).

    The list of plans includes the following columns:
    • The column with the checkboxes — the selected checkbox indicates that the plan is included in the promo vendor plans.
      • ID — the unique identification number of a plan.
      • Name — the name of a plan.
      • Description — the description of a plan (see Editing general information about the Plan).
      • Public — indicates whether a plan is available for ordering in the Customer Control Panel.
      • Status — the plan status:
        • Active — a subscription for a plan can be ordered.
        • Inactive — a plan is deactivated by a manager (see Deactivating a plan and Activating a plan) and is not available for ordering.
        • Deactivated by provider — a plan is deactivated by the upstream reseller and is not available for ordering.
  4. If it is necessary to update the promo vendor plans:
    1. Select the checkboxes in the rows with the plans you need to include in the list of promo vendor plans.
    2. Clear the checkboxes in the rows with the plans you need to exclude from the list of promo vendor plans.
    3. Click Update.