Promo vendors

A promo vendor is an IT services provider who offers discounts for its services in form of promo codes (for example, Google AdWords). Promo codes are imported from a CSV file. Customers are provided with the promo codes according to the order they are listed in the file. A promo code is offered after a customer orders a paid subscription for one of the predefined plans (promo vendor plans, see Viewing and updating the list of promo vendor plans). The promo codes are sent via email, SMS, or Customer Control Panel notifications (see Notification configuration).

To configure the issuance of promo codes to customers:

  1. Create a promo vendor (see Creating a promo vendor).
  2. Import the promo codes for the promo vendor from a CSV file (see Adding the promo codes).
  3. Select the promo vendor plans. After ordering a paid subscription for the promo vendor plan a customer is provided with a promo code (see Viewing and updating the list of promo vendor plans).
  4. Create and configure a notification template and an External Promo Code Added event handler for promo code issuance.

If needed, a promo code can be manually issued to a customer without ordering a paid subscription (see Manually issuing a promo code).

Promo vendors and their promo codes management are described in the following sections: