Subscriptions report

To create the subscriptions report, which includes subscriptions (see Managing subscriptions) created during the selected period:

  1. Go to Reports (see Navigation). The Sales Reports page is displayed.
  2. In the Subscriptions Report group, set the period of the report using the From Date and To Date fields.

  3. Click Download Subscriptions. The report will be sent to your email in the MS Excel format.

The subscriptions report includes the following information:

  • Subscription ID — the unique identification number of the subscription (see Managing subscriptions).
  • Subscription Name — the name of the subscription.
  • Account ID — the unique identification number of the account (see Managing accounts), to which the subscription relates.
  • Account Name — the name of the account, to which the subscription relates.
  • Plan ID — the unique identification number of the plan (see Managing plans), to which the subscription relates.
  • Plan — the name of the plan, to which the subscription relates.
  • Plan Category ID — the unique identification number of the plan category (see Managing plan categories), to which the subscription relates.
  • Category — the name of the plan category, to which the subscription relates.
  • Status — one of the following statuses of the subscription (see Viewing the list of subscriptions).
  • Created At — the date and time of the subscription creation.
  • Updated At — the date and time when the subscription's status was changed last time.
  • Start Date — the activation date of the subscription.
  • Expiration Date — the expiration date of the subscription (see Setting the Expiration Date of a Subscription).
  • Month — the period of the subscription (in months).
  • Total — the total amount of the charges for the subscription.
  • Link — the link to the subscription's details page (see Viewing and updating subscription's details).