Consumption dynamics

On the Consumption dynamics tab, you can view information about costs of customer subscriptions. Use filters to select a period and one of the following data sources for analytics:

  • All subscriptions of all customers.
  • All subscriptions of a given customer.
  • A given subscription of a given customer.

On the Consumption dynamics tab, all costs are displayed in the partner currency (see Company profile and managers). Plan currencies used in the catalog (see Catalog) and the subscription details page (see Subscription details) may differ. If so, the ActivePlatform exchange rates are automatically applied.

On the Consumption dynamics tab, all costs do not include any possible discounts of the partner. For information about discounts of the partner, see Reports (see Reports).

Negative values in the analytics represent refunds to a customer within a subscription with the PAYG external billing type (for example, Microsoft Azure Plan). They decrease the total consumption.

One customer's name in the Consumption dynamics tab may represent several customers with different IDs if they have identical names. In this case, the costs are summed by all their IDs.

To go to the Consumption dynamics tab, select Analytics in the navigation menu. In the Analytics section (see Analytics), the tab is displayed by default.

On this page:


To select data for analytics, use the following filters:

  1. Select the data source:
    • In the customer filter, select All clients. In the subscription filter, the All subscriptions value is selected automatically as read-only.

      1. Click the customer filter. The list of all customers appears (see Clients) with a field for search by the customer's name.

        The list of customers is sorted by their costs, in descending order. Customers with the same costs are sorted by name (digits, from A to Z, from А to Я). One customer's name in the list may represent several customers with different IDs if they have identical names. In this case, the costs are summed by all their IDs.

      2. Select the required customer.
      3. In the subscription filter, select All subscriptions.
      1. Click the customer filter. The list of all customers appears (see Clients) with a field for search by the customer's name.

        The list of customers is sorted by their costs, in descending order. Customers with the same costs are sorted by name (digits, from A to Z, from А to Я). One customer's name in the list may represent several customers with different IDs if they have identical names. In this case, the costs are summed by all their IDs.

      2. Select the required customer.
      3. Click the subscription filter. The list of all subscriptions of the customer appears (see Client details) with a field for search by the subscription ID and name.

        The list of subscriptions is sorted by their costs, in descending order. Subscriptions with the same costs are sorted by name (digits, from A to Z, from А to Я).

      4. Select the required subscription.

    To reset a filter, click close. As a result, in the filter, the All subscriptions or All clients value is selected automatically, and the period filter is reset to its default value. If you reset the customer filter, the subscription filter is reset automatically.

    You can also use the charts to select the data source (see Charts).

  2. Only for subscriptions with the PAYG external billing type (for example, Microsoft Azure Plan), in the Detailing filter, select the data granularity:

    1. By month — the monthly granularity.
    2. By day — the daily granularity.

      The daily granularity is only available for subscriptions with the PAYG external billing type (for example, Microsoft Azure Plan). For other subscriptions, only the monthly granularity is used.

  3. In the period filter, select the required range:
      • 3 last periods (by default).
      • 6 last periods.
      • 12 last periods.
      • Set a period — in the appeared calendar, select the first day of the start month and the last day of the end month of the required period within 12 months. The selected period is highlighted in the calendar.

      For the monthly granularity, consumption data is always linked to full calendar months.

      • Current billing period (by default).
      • Past billing period.
      • Set a period — in the appeared calendar, select the start and the end month of the required period within 12 months.

      The start and the end month of the selected period are displayed next to the calendar icon.

  4. Only for subscriptions with the PAYG external billing type (for example, Microsoft Azure Plan), optionally, select additional filters:

    1. Click Filters. The list of additional filters appears.

    2. For a filter, select the required options, one by one.

      Additional filters may not be displayed if consumption data does not include the corresponding information. If no filters are available, the Filters button is not displayed.

      For example, for a Microsoft Azure Plan subscription, select resource categories (resources) to be displayed:

      • Resource categories — the category of a resource on the Microsoft side. 
      • Resource tags — the tags of a resource on the Microsoft side.
      • Azure RI — the attribute of a resource reserved within the Microsoft Azure RI service.
      • Resource groups — the names of the Microsoft Azure Plan resource groups.
      • Virtual machines — the names of the Microsoft Azure Plan virtual machines.

    To reset an additional filter, click Reset next to its name. To reset all additional filters, click Reset all filters.


Depending on the selected data sources, the chart components may represent the following data:

Data sourceChart component
All subscriptions of all customersCustomers
All subscriptions of a given customerSubscriptions
A given subscription of a given customerResources (resource categories)
A given resource category of a given subscriptionResource categories

A subscription with less than 1% of total costs may not be displayed in a chart.

For the selected data source and period, you can view information about consumption in the following charts:

  • General consumption structure — a doughnut chart where each segment represents the proportional value of costs per component for the given period:
    • Each segment has a label with the name and percentage.
    • To view the cost of a segment, hover the mouse pointer over it. The tooltip with the name and cost appears.
    • You can switch the data source via the chart like applying filters:
      • To switch from analytics for all customers to analytics for a given customer, click the segment of the required customer and select Go to client analytics.
      • To switch from analytics for a given customer to analytics for a given subscription, click the segment of the required subscription and select Go to subscription analytics.
      • Only for subscriptions with consumption data grouped by resource categories (for example, Microsoft Azure Plan): to switch from analytics for a given subscription to analytics for a given resource category, click the segment of the required resource category and select Go to analytics by resource category.
    • If you want to view a stacked bar chart for a given segment only, click the required segment and select Filter by client (Filter by subscription, or Filter by resource category). To reset the stacked bar chart view, click the required segment one more time and select Cancel filter.
  • Consumption structure — a stacked bar chart that displays the monthly (or daily — depending on the Detailing filter) dynamics of costs per component for the given period:
    • To view the cost and structure of consumption for a given month (or day), hover the mouse pointer over the required bar. The tooltip with the date, total cost, and the names and cost of the components appears.
    • To hide a component from the chart, click its name in the legend. The chart is updated automatically. To reset the view, click the component name one more time.
    • You can switch the data source via the chart like applying filters:
      • To switch from analytics for all customers to analytics for a given customer, click the component of the required customer in any bar and select Go to client analytics.
      • To switch from analytics for a given customer to analytics for a given subscription, click the component of the required subscription in any bar and select Go to subscription analytics.
      • Only for subscriptions with consumption data grouped by resource categories (for example, Microsoft Azure Plan): to switch from analytics for a given subscription to analytics for a given resource category, click the component of the required resource category in any bar and select Go to analytics by resource category.
    • If you want to view a stacked bar chart for a given segment only, click the required component in any bar and select Filter by client (Filter by subscription, or Filter by resource category). To reset the stacked bar chart view, click the required segment one more time and select Cancel filter.
    • For the daily granularity, the following additional tooltips are displayed in the stacked bar chart:
      • Consumption posted in the selected period — the earliest date of actual consumption billed in the selected period.
      • Start of the selected period — the start date of the selected period.

      A part of consumption from the previous period may be billed in the next period because consumption data is generated on the service side with a delay.

      For example, data for consumption in the last days of July becomes available and thus can be processed in ActivePlatform only at the beginning of August.


The Summary table and the Detailing button are only displayed for subscriptions with the PAYG external billing type (for example, Microsoft Azure Plan) with the daily granularity.


You can view detailed information about the consumption of the subscription in the Summary table below the charts. Data in the table is grouped by resource categories. To view information about the consumption of a resource, click the collapsed row of the corresponding resource group. Data in the Summary table is displayed in the following columns:

  • Name — the name of a resource category or resource.
  • Quantity, units — the number of consumed units of a resource for the selected period.
  • Unit — the unit of a resource.
  • Price — the unit price of a resource.
  • Totals — the cost of a resource category or resource for the selected period.

By default, the rows in the Summary table are sorted by the Totals columns, in descending order.

In the Total row, you can view the total cost of the subscription for the selected period.


You can also download a report (.XLSX) with detailed information about the consumption of the subscription. The report file includes records about the daily consumption of the subscription for the selected period.

GUID ресурса — the resource identifier on the Microsoft side.
Категория ресурса — the category of a resource on the Microsoft side.
Подкатегория ресурса — the subcategory of a resource on the Microsoft side.
Название ресурса — the name of a resource on the Microsoft side.
Описание — the description of a resource on the Microsoft side.
Теги ресурсов — the tags of a resource on the Microsoft side.
Microsoft Subscription ID — the subscription ID on the Microsoft side (external ID).
Tenant ID — the Microsoft Tenant ID of the customer.
Tenant Name — the Microsoft Tenant name of the customer.
Валюта — the currency used for prices.
Регион — the location of the data center.
Ед. измерения — the unit of measure for a resource on the Microsoft side.
Azure RI — the attribute of a resource reserved within the Microsoft Azure RI service.
Ресурсная группа — the names of the Microsoft Azure Plan resource groups.
Виртуальная машина — the names of the Microsoft Azure Plan virtual machines.
Количество — the number of consumed units of a resource for the selected period.
Цена — the unit price of a resource.
Скидка — the amount of a discount.
Итого — the total price of a consumed resource including the number of consumed unitsunit price, and discount.
Дата использования — the day when a resource was consumed on the Microsoft side (UTC timezone).
Дата учета — the day when ActivePlatform processed the consumption record (UTC+3 timezone).

To download a report, in the Total consumption section, click Detailing. The report file downloading starts automatically.

Consumption indicators

For the selected data source, you can view the following consumption indicators:

  • Total consumption — the total costs for the selected period (the sum of costs of all components in every chart).
  • Consumption dynamics — the costs for the two previous months and the growth rate percentage:
    • A green value corresponds to the positive growth rate.
    • A red value corresponds to the negative growth rate.