Information for distributors

The For distributors section includes information displayed for distributors in the Connectors catalog.

Multilingual product description

If you select several languages for product description (see View and update the vendor profile), you can enter information in every language using additional fields. Distributors in your product distribution network will get your product in the individually selected languages (see Add distributors). If a product does not have the description in the distributor language, during publication (see Publish a product), the English version will be used instead.

To enter information in several languages:

  1. Next to a field, click the language tag. The Select language menu is displayed.

  2. In the menu, select the language that you want to use for the description of this product additionally to English. To select all languages, click Show all. The selected language in the menu is displayed in bold. English is mandatory and selected by default.
  3. To hide the Select language menu, click the language tag. The page now includes multiple textual fields with the corresponding language tags.

  4. When you enter information in a field:
    1. Fill in the field with the EN tag.
    2. Repeat the step for this field in other languages.

To add the product information for the distributors:

  1. On the Product Dashboard, click For distributors. The For distributors section is displayed.
  2. In the Name field, enter the product name.
  3. In the Category list, select the product category.
  4. In the Short product description field, describe your product shortly.

  5. Use the Logo group to upload or update the product logo. It is recommended to use a square image. The following filetypes are supported: .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG. The maximum file size is 1 MB.
  6. Use the Screenshots group to upload up to 50 screenshots of the product. The following filetypes are supported: .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG. The maximum file size is 1 MB.
  7. In the Video field, enter the URL to the video about the product. If required, add up to 20 links in the Video fields that appear below.
  8. In the Product overview field, describe your product in details.

  9. When you finished, select your next step:
    • To continue configuring the product and go to the next section, click Save & Continue.
    • To return to the Product Dashboard, click Save and then click Go to Product Dashboard.
    • To publish the product in the Connectors catalog:
      1. Click Save. The Publish button in the Publication in Connectors catalog section becomes available.
      2. Click Publish. Information for distributors is sent to moderation, and all the fields are blocked.

        You will be able to change information after your product passes the moderation and is published in the Connectors catalog.