Get account

The Get account method returns account details for the current reseller or any of its downstream resellers.

An API token of a manager is required for authorization. To get an API token via the Operator Control Panel, see Viewing and updating manager's information

The manager's API token specified in an API request determines:

  • The role and access level of the manager, which determine the availability of a method.
  • The current reseller and downstream resellers accessible within a method.

GET {base_url}/api/v3/resellers/{reseller_id}/accounts/{account_id}



Parameter type

Data type



X-Api-TokenheaderstringRequiredAPI token of a manager that performs the operation (see Viewing and updating manager's information)
Content-TypeheaderstringRequiredMedia type of the request. Specify the following: application/vnd.api+json

Supported media types of the answer. Specify the following: application/vnd.api+json

base_urlpathstringRequiredActivePlatform URL
reseller_idpathintegerRequiredID of the current reseller or any of its downstream resellers (see Viewing and updating reseller general information)


pathintegerRequiredID of the account

Response model


Data type


dataobjectResponse data



Account ID

typestringData type

attributesobjectAccount information



Date and time of account creation



Data and time of account last update

reseller_idintegerID of the account's reseller

namestringAccount name

account_class_idintegerAccount class ID

primary_namestringPrimary name of the account. For example, a company name



The first name of the contract person



The middle name of the contract person



The last name of the contract person


Contact information: a two-letter ISO code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 of the country

regionstringContact information: Region

citystringContact information: City

streetstringContact information: Street

buildingstringContact information: Building

officestringContact information: Office

zipstringContact information: Zip-code


Contact information: Phone number:

  • + < country code > < city code or network code > < phone number >.
  • 00 < country code > < city code or network code > < phone number >.



Email of the contract person



Account status (see Viewing and updating account's details for the list of statuses)

balancestringTotal account balance as a sum of available funds (see usable_balance) and blocked сharges

usable_balancestringAvailable funds on the account balance


floatCurrent debt of the account for all postpaid subscriptions


floatThe value of the subscription credit limit for the account that is set in the account class or redefined on the account level


floatThe value of the financial blocking threshold for the account that is set in the account class or redefined on the account level

account_type_idintegerAccount type ID (см. Viewing the list of account types)

manager_idintegerAccount's manager ID

owner_idintegerAccount's Owner ID


ID of the account's гser selected as Tech contact (see Viewing and updating account's details)

bill_user_idintegerID of the account's гser selected as Billing contact (see Viewing and updating account's details)



Account attributes (see Managing attributes)

attributes.custom-attributes['custom-attribute-key']stringAccount attribute value


Information about the account's manager

created_atdateDate and time of the manager creation

updated_atdateData and time of the manager last update

reseller_idintegerID of the manager's reseller

idintegerID of the manager

namestringName of the manager


Status of the manager:

  • active — access to the Operator Control Panel is allowed.
  • inactive — access to the Operator Control Panel is blocked.

emailstringManager's email which is used as a login to the Operator Control Panel

rolestringManager's role (for the list of roles, see Managers' roles)

custom_attributesarrayThe list of the manager's additional attributes (see Viewing the list of attribute categories)

manager.custom-attributes['custom-attribute-key']stringThe value of the attribute

ownerobjectinformation about the Owner of the account


stringDate and time of account's Owner creation


stringDate and time of account's Owner last update

emailstringEmail of the account's Owner

account_statusstringAccount's Owner status for the account (for information about statues, see Managing account's users)

global_statusstringAccount's Owner status in ActivePlatform

first_namestringThe first name of the account's Owner

middle_namestringThe middle name of the account's Owner

ast_namestringThe last name of the account's Owner

account_product_managersarray of objectsResponsible managers of the account (see Managing responsible managers)

idintegerID of information about the responsible manager

account_idintegerAccount ID

product_idintegerProduct ID


integerResponsible manager ID within the product


integerManager role ID within the product


dateDate and time when information about the responsible manager was created


dateDate and time when information about the responsible manager was updated



Indicates whether the account was created by completing the self-registration process in the Customer Control Panel:

  • true — the account was created by completing the self-registration process in the Customer Control Panel.
  • false — the account was created by a manager via the Operator Control Panel or API.



Default payment model:

  • prepay
  • postpay

account_typeobjectInformation about the account type (see Viewing the list of account types)

idintegerID of the account type

namestringName of the account type

created_atdateDate and time of the account type creation

updated_atdateDate and time when the account type was updated

reseller_idintegerID of the reseller linked to the account type

name_patternstringTemplate of the account type name which is displayed in the platform

primary_namestringName of the field with the primary name of the account. For example, for the Business account type, the filed may be named as Company name

keystringKey that is used to refer to the account type by API or a placeholder

default_payment_method_idintegerID of the default payment method (see Configuring payment methods)

ancestrystringID of the parent account type

account_classstringInformation about the account class (see Viewing the list of account classes)

idintegerID of the account class

reseller_idintegerID of the linked reseller

namestringName of the account class

created_atdateDate and time of the account type creation

updated_atdateDate and time when the account type was updated


floatThe value of the financial blocking threshold that is set in the account class

due_order_periodintegerNumber of days to pay for an order before the order becomes canceled (for the Prepay payment model)

subzero_periodintegerNumber of days during which the account balance can be negative without moving the account to the Credit hold status. The -1 value refers to the unlimited period

stop_subscription_typestringType of the subscription stopping if the account is moved to the Credit hold status (for the list of the available types of the subscription stopping, see Creating an account class)

keystring Key that is used to refer to the account class by API or placeholders

colorstringColor that is used in the List of accounts (see Viewing the list of accounts) for this account type

guaranteed_payment_limitintegerMaximum amount of the guaranteed payment that all accounts, which are added to the account class, can use

guaranteed_payment_periodintegerNumber of days, during which all accounts, which are added to the account class, can use the Guaranteed payments

delete_subscription_typestringType of the subscription deleting (for the list of the available types of the subscription deleting, see Creating an account class)


Attribute of the account type denomination:

  • true — the account type is denominated.
  • false — the account type is not denominated.


Availability of paying for orders with the negative account balance (for the Prepay payment model):

  • true — paying for orders with the negative account balance is available.
  • false — paying for orders with the negative account balance is not available.



Payment model:

  • prepay
  • postpay


Default account type for new accounts:

  • true — the account type is applied to new accounts.
  • false — the account type is not applied to new accounts.

due_payment_periodintegerNumber of days to pay for a payment before the payment becomes expired (for the Postpay payment model)


floatThe value of the subscription credit limit that is set in the account class

relationshipsobjectInformation about the related objects

subscriptionsobjectInformation about the related subscriptions

dataarrayInformation about the subscription

idintegerID of the subscription

typestringData type

Request example

GET /api/v3/resellers/1/accounts/505
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
X-Api-Token: vY5fwetestK3gJXZH5uHCw
Accept: application/vnd.api+json

Response example

    "data": {
        "id": "505",
        "type": "accounts",
        "attributes": {
            "created_at": "2019-10-15T13:08:36.440+03:00",
            "updated_at": "2020-07-07T11:06:27.264+03:00",
            "reseller_id": 1,
            "name": "Marcelo  Ivanou",
            "account_class_id": 1,
            "primary_name": "Test api doc",
            "first_name": "Marcelo",
            "middle_name": "",
            "last_name": "Ivanou",
            "country": "BY",
            "region": "minsk",
            "city": "minsk",
            "street": "Lenina",
            "building": "1",
            "office": "",
            "zip": "220007",
            "phone": "+375295555555",
            "email": "",
            "status": "active",
            "balance": "380.39",
            "usable_balance": "380.39",
            "current_debt": 0.0,
            "subscription_credit_limit": 11000.0,
            "financial_blocking_threshold": 0.0,
            "account_type_id": 1,
            "manager_id": 50,
            "owner_id": 874,
            "tech_user_id": 874,
            "bill_user_id": 874,
            "custom_attributes": {
                "birth_date": "10.08.2016",
                "dns": "",
                "invoice": "",
                "passport_date_of_issue": "01.07.2016",
                "passport_issued_by": "Goverment",
                "passport_number": "1124111111122",
                "personal_number": "A4411111BB1199"
            "manager": {
                "created_at": "2016-11-30T13:16:27.169+03:00",
                "updated_at": "2019-11-22T14:13:28.970+03:00",
                "reseller_id": 1,
                "id": 50,
                "name": "Sales manager",
                "status": "active",
                "email": "",
                "role": "sales",
                "custom_attributes": {
                        "ManagerString": "Test"
            "owner": {
                "created_at": "2016-10-26T17:38:37.551+03:00",
                "updated_at": "2016-12-23T15:04:48.172+03:00",
                "email": "",
                "account_status": "active",
                "global_status": "active",
                "first_name": "Alex",
                "middle_name": "",
                "last_name": "Owner"
			"account_product_managers": [
                    "id": 431,
                    "account_id": 710,
                    "product_id": 400,
                    "responsible_product_manager_id": 3,
                    "manager_product_role_id": 2,
                    "created_at": "2020-12-09T06:15:52.348+03:00",
                    "updated_at": "2020-12-16T15:38:56.541+03:00"
                    "id": 9,
                    "account_id": 710,
                    "product_id": 400,
                    "responsible_product_manager_id": 1,
                    "manager_product_role_id": 1,
                    "created_at": "2020-12-09T06:13:40.744+03:00",
                    "updated_at": "2020-12-16T15:38:56.533+03:00"
            "self_registration": false,
			"default_payment_model": "postpay",
            "account_type": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Personal BLR",
                "created_at": "2016-08-25T09:26:12.658+03:00",
                "updated_at": "2021-03-04T06:12:01.425+03:00",
                "reseller_id": 1,
                "name_pattern": "%first_name %middle_name %last_name",
                "primary_name": "",
                "key": "personalblr",
                "default_payment_method_id": 2,
                "ancestry": null,
                "use_by_default": true
            "account_class": {
                "id": 1,
                "reseller_id": 1,
                "name": "Default",
                "created_at": "2016-08-25T09:26:12.820+03:00",
                "updated_at": "2020-09-05T10:29:21.844+03:00",
                "financial_blocking_threshold": "0.0",
                "due_order_period": 90,
                "subzero_period": 0,
                "stop_subscription_type": "automatically",
                "key": "default",
                "color": "grey",
                "guaranteed_payment_limit": 1000,
                "guaranteed_payment_period": 7,
                "delete_subscription_type": "automatically",
                "denominated": false,
                "buy_with_negative_balance": false,
                "receipt_day": null,
                "payment_model": "postpay",
                "default": true,
                "due_payment_period": 3,
                "subscription_credit_limit": "222.0"
        "relationships": {
            "subscriptions": {
                "data": [
                        "id": "3005863",
                        "type": "subscriptions"
                        "id": "3005862",
                        "type": "subscriptions"
                        "id": "3005749",
                        "type": "subscriptions"
                        "id": "3005691",
                        "type": "subscriptions"
                        "id": "3006017",
                        "type": "subscriptions"
                        "id": "3005871",
                        "type": "subscriptions"
                        "id": "3005868",
                        "type": "subscriptions"
                        "id": "3006016",
                        "type": "subscriptions"
                        "id": "3005870",
                        "type": "subscriptions"
                        "id": "3005869",
                        "type": "subscriptions"
                        "id": "3005867",
                        "type": "subscriptions"
                        "id": "3005865",
                        "type": "subscriptions"
                        "id": "3005875",
                        "type": "subscriptions"
                        "id": "3005866",
                        "type": "subscriptions"
                        "id": "3005864",
                        "type": "subscriptions"
                        "id": "3005861",
                        "type": "subscriptions"
                        "id": "3006034",
                        "type": "subscriptions"