Viewing and updating Subscription's details

To view the Subscription details:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. Click Operations > Operations > Subscriptions on the Navigation Bar. The Workspace displays the List of Subscriptions (see Viewing the List of Subscriptions).
  3. Click the ID or Name link of the Subscription. You see the subscription details page, which consists of the following tabs:
    • General — general information of the Subscription. Also, you can add a note in the Notes field (see Adding Notes);
    • Orders — the list of all orders for the current Subscription, which have been created after ordering, renewing or upgrading the Subscription (see Viewing the List of Orders);
    • Resources — additional resources of the selected Subscription (see Plan Resources);
    • Transaction — the list of Subscription transactions (see Viewing the List of Transactions);
    • Event Log — Subscription log (see Viewing the Event Log).

The General tab contains the following subscription information:

  • ID — a unique identification number of the Subscription;
  • Trial — a type of the Subscription:
    • Yes — the Subscription is in testing period;
    • No — the Subscription is in the paid period.
  • Name — the Subscription name;
  • Manager — the name of the personal Manager;
  • Account — the Account name;
  • Plan — the name of the Plan;
  • Status — the Subscription status:
    • Ordered — a customer has ordered the Subscription;
    • Installing — the ordered applications are installing;
    • Installation failed — an error occurred during the installation of the ordered application;
    • Activating — the Subscription is activating;
    • Activating failed — an error occurred during the activation process;
    • Active — the Subscription has been activated;
    • Updating — the Subscription resource is updating;
    • Updating failed — an error occurred during the update process;
    • Renewing — the system is renewing the Subscription;
    • Renewingfailed — an error occurred during the renewal process;
    • Waiting for manual approve - the operation with the Subscription should be approved by a Manager (see Manual Operations);
    • Graced — the Customer has not renewed the Subscription, and after Grace period (see Viewing and Updating a Plan Class) the system will stop the Subscription;
    • Stopping — the system is stopping the Subscription after Grace period;
    • Stopping failed — an error occurred during the stopping process;
    • Stopped — the Subscription has been stopped;
    • Deleting — the system is deleting the Subscription after Stop period;
    • Deletion failed — an error occurred during the deleting process;
    • Deleted — the Subscription has been deleted.
  • Plan Period — the period of the Plan;
  • Start Date — the Subscription activation date;
  • Expiration Date — a date when the Subscription will be stopped if the auto-renewal was not set (see Auto-Renewing a Subscription)  or the Stop period and Grace period were not configured in the Plan class (see Creating a Plan Class). Also, the manual change of the expiration date can be executed only for service operations (see Setting the Expiration Date of a Subscription);
  • Promo code — a field which can be used to get discount on the current subscription (see Managing Discounts of the Promo Code type);
  • Plan Class — the name of the Plan Class (see Managing Plan Classes);
  • Auto renewal — the option for activating the automatic Subscription renewal (see Auto-Renewing a Subscription);
  • Renew point (days) - a number of days before the Subscription expires when the Customer receives the bill for Subscription renewal.
  • Application - a table with the list of Applications instances, which are provided as part of the Subscription:
    • ID - the Application instance ID ;
    • Name  - the Application name;
    • Service Status - the Application instance status;
    • MS Subscription ID - the Microsoft CSP Subscription ID (see Ordering a Microsoft CSP Subscription) in Microsoft Partner Center.

To update Subscription details:

  1. Edit the options, which are available for changing on the General tab.
  2. Click the Update button to save changes.