Viewing the list of product plans

To view the list of product plans:

  1. Go to Products (see Navigation). The list of products is displayed (see Viewing the list of products).
  2. Click the ID or name of the required product. The product details page is displayed.
  3. Go to the Plans tab. The list of product plans is displayed.

    To create a new plan, see Creating a plan.

The list of product plans includes the following columns:

  • ID — the unique identification number of a plan.
  • Name — the name of a plan.
  • SKU (Offer ID) — the plan SKU.
  • Delegated — indicates whether a plan is delegated by the upstream reseller (see Managing resellers).
  • Billing type — the billing type of a plan (see Plan information).
  • Count — the number of ordered subscriptions to a plan.
  • Singleton — indicates whether it is possible for an account to have several active subscriptions to a plan. 
  • Public — indicates whether a plan is available for sale.
  • Status — the plan status (see Viewing the list of plans).