Global deactivation of a user

Global deactivation is used to terminate the user's access to the Customer Control Panel of all accounts, regardless of the user's status for a specific account.

If the user is attached to at least one account and has the Active status with that account, the platform will prompt a warning, as email notifications where the user was the only active recipient will stop being sent after user deactivation (see Creating an email template). Before deactivating a user, it is recommended to review and update information about the attached accounts (see Accounts in Viewing and updating user information) and their contact persons (see Viewing and updating account's details).

The following operations can also be used to terminate the user's access to the Customer Control Panel:

  • Deactivation of a user for an account — to terminate the user's access to the Customer Control Panel of the selected account only (see Deactivating a user). Deactivation / activation of the user is possible if the global status of the user is Active.
  • Detaching a user from an account — to terminate the user's access to the Customer Control Panel, but all services and credentials, including the mailboxes and their content created by services, of a detached user previously connected to an account are permanently deleted (see Detaching a user).

To deactivate a user globally:

  1. Go to Users (see Navigation). The list of users is displayed (see Viewing the list of users).
  2. Click the ID or name link for the required user with Global status = Active. The user details page is displayed (see Viewing and updating user information).
  3. Click Deactivate and confirm the action. The user gets Global status = Inactive.

To activate a user globally:

  1. Go to Users (see Navigation). The list of users is displayed (see Viewing the list of users).
  2. Click the ID or name link for the required user with Global status = Inactive. The user details page is displayed (see Viewing and updating user information).
  3. Click Activate. The user gets Global status = Active.