Working with page elements

While entering information on pages of the Operator Control Panel, take into account the following:

Integrated search function

Pages for creating and updating objects include lists with the search function. For example, the Account list on the Order Subscription page (see Ordering a subscription at the plan prices) has the search function.

To use the integrated search function:

  1. Click the line of the list. The items of the list are displayed.

  2. Start entering a search request. The search results are displayed.

  3. Click the required item.

Required elements

While entering information pages of the Operator Control Panel, different types of elements can be used (fields, lists, checkboxes, etc.).

Required elements have a special sign  located before the name of an element.


Notifications about closing a page without saving changes

While leaving a page without saving the changes, the notification message is displayed.

To save the changes:

  1. In the notification window, click Close.
  2. Save the changes on the page.

Automatic deleting spaces

On the following pages, the platform automatically deletes leading and trailing spaces entered in the fields, including fields of additional attributes: