General system settings

To update the general system settings for a reseller: 

  1. Go to System Settings (see Navigation). The General tab of the System Settings page is displayed.
  2. Configure the general system settings in the following groups:
  3. Click Update.

Secret key

Secret key — the secret key used to connect to ActivePlatform.

Name server settings

NS 1NS 4 — the addresses of the DNS servers (at least two) used to connect to ActivePlatform.

Store settings

  • Catalog url — the URL of an external catalog of the services available for ordering via the Customer Control Panel. When a customer clicks Buy Subscription in the Customer Control Panel, the external catalog is displayed in a new window if the catalog URL is specified. The main page of the internal catalog is displayed in the same window if the field is empty (see Catalog).
  • Only for authorized users — the toggle determines the availability of the catalog of the Customer Control Panel for unauthorized users (see Catalog). By default, the toggle is turned on, and the catalog is only available to authorized users. For unauthorized users, the login and registration page will be displayed instead of the catalog (see Register and log in).

Legal agreements

  • Request agreement with Privacy Notice and Privacy Policy — if the checkbox is selected, during the first sign-in (see Signing in to the Customer Control Panel) and new user self-registration via the Customer Control Panel (see Short and full registration), both agreements are prompted for a user. The user must agree to start using the Customer Control Panel and complete the self-registration. The acceptance entries are stored in the user's login history (see Viewing and updating user information).
  • Privacy Notice URL — the URL of the Privacy Notice document displayed for familiarization with its contents.
  • Privacy Policy URL — the URL of the Privacy Policy document displayed for familiarization with its contents.
  • Request agreement with Terms and Conditions — if the checkbox is selected, in the Customer Control Panel, during the first sign in and purchase of every new subscription (see Ordering a Subscription), the Terms and Conditions agreement is prompted for an account. The account needs to agree to the Terms and Conditions to start using the Customer Control Panel and order a new subscription. Entries about acceptance of the Terms and Conditions are stored in the account's log (see Viewing and updating account's details).
  • Terms and Conditions URL — the URL of the Terms and Conditions document displayed for familiarization with its contents.

SMTP mail server settings

  • Default mail sender — the sender’s email that is used by default for sending emails.
  • Host — the address of the server.
  • Port — the port number of the SMTP server.

    You can request the current settings of SMTP server from the provider of the mail service.

  • Domain — the domain of the SMTP server.

  • Authentication — if the SMTP server requires authentication, select the checkbox and specify the following options:

    • Authentication type — the type of authentication.
    • User name — the SMTP server login.
    • Password — the SMTP server password.
  • Enable STARTTLS auto (check to enable TLS) — activation of STARTTLS allows using TLS (Transport Layer Security) for ordinary SMTP-connections. An encrypted TLS connection can be used to improve the security of communicating between the e-mail server and the client. 
  • Use SSLactivation of SSL for the email server.
  • Use TLSactivation of TLS for the email server.
  • OpenSSL verify mode — the mode of the OpenSSL verification.

SMS settings

  • Verify phone number by SMS — if the checkbox is selected, in the Customer Control Panel, verification of new accounts via SMS is required.

    The current version of the Customer Control Panel does not support the phone number verification by SMS.

  • SMS gate — the SMS gate service used for sending SMS.

Document ID formats

Document ID formats — the templates used for numbers of various documents in ActivePlatform. Any document number must include the %N mask, where N — is a number of characters (minimum 6), and may include letters (for example, SO — a sales order, RN — a renewal order), dashes and placeholders.

  • Invoice file name — the filename template for receipt files of invoices.

  • Certificate file name — the filename template for completed order certificates (see Order completed (immediate) and Orders completed (by period) in Creating an event handler). Placeholders for the Order, Payment, and Account entities are supported. If the value is not specified, the filename is generated using the template сertificate_{{}}.

Rounding settings

Rounding value — the sums of all generated payments are rounded up by the rule of multiplicity to the specified value.

Region settings

  • Countries — the list of available countries for creating and full registration of an account (see Creating an account and Full registration). The list is applied when the Unlimited switch is turned Off.
  • Unlimited:
    • On — for creating and full registration of an account, all countries are available (by default). The Countries list is not available for changing.
    • Off — for creating and full registration of an account, only countries selected in the Countries list are available.
  • Default country — the default country for creating a new account (see Creating an account), new reseller (see Creating a new reseller), and the process of full registration in the Customer Control Panel (see Full registration). The default country is used when the country cannot be detected by the IP-address or the GeoIP service is not activated.

    If the Unlimited switch is turned Off, make sure the default country presents in the Countries list.

  • Forbid changing the default country — if the checkbox is selected, changing the default country is not available while creating and editing an account. The GeoIP service is not available in this case too.
  • Use GeoIP — if the checkbox is selected, the GeoIP service is activated. In this case, for creating a new account, new reseller, and the process of full registration in the Customer Control Panel, the Country list is prefilled with the country detected by the IP address. If the country cannot be detected, the Country list is prefilled with the default value selected in the Default country list.
  • If the Unlimited switch is turned Off, during the full registration of an account in the Customer Control Panel, the Country list can be prefilled only with the country that presents in the Countries list.

    If the checkbox is cleared, the GeoIP service is not activated. In this case, for creating a new account, new reseller, and the process of full registration in the Customer Control Panel, the Country list is prefilled with the default value selected in the Default country list.

Date format

Date format — the mask used for formatting dates displayed in the Customer Control Panel. The mask can include:

  • %dd — 2 digits for the day of the month.
  • %mm — 2 digits for the month.
  • %yyyy — 4 digits for the year.
  • Special characters or space — the date component separators.

Default: %dd.%mm.%yyyy

MaskDisplaying the sample date of 31 May 2006

%dd %mm %yyyy

31 05 2006







Monitoring consumption anomalies for PAYG subscriptions

Monitoring consumption anomalies for PAYG subscriptions — a group of settings for managing the consumption spike detection for subscriptions with the Pay as you go billing type and the thresholds for the Unexpected consumption increase detection event (see Creating an event handler):

  • Activate monitoring consumption anomalies — if the checkbox is selected:
    • At least one of the two thresholds must be specified in the group of settings.
    • The platform monitors consumption spikes for all subscriptions with the Pay as you go billing type and compares them with the thresholds to send notifications. For the spike detection algorithm, see Creating an event handler.
    • In the Customer Control Panel, on the details page of every subscription with the Pay as you go billing type, the Monitoring tab is displayed with information about the consumption spikes the platform detected (see Subscription details). In the Analytics section (see Analytics), the consumption spikes are marked with the Anomaly tooltip.
  • Difference of consumption in day-to-day comparison, amount in reseller currency — the threshold for triggering the event on the absolute change in consumption in the reseller currency. From 0 to 2147483647. The number of decimal places depends on the reseller's currency settings (see Viewing and updating reseller general information and Viewing the list of currencies).
  • Percentage comparison of consumption in day-to-day — the threshold for triggering the event on the relative change in consumption in percent. From 0 to 100 with up to 2 decimal places.

If you specify two thresholds, the Unexpected consumption increase detection event is triggered when the change in consumption is equal to or greater than both. For example, use two thresholds to notify a customer about an increase in consumption of $1000 or more, but only when this amount is at least 50% compared to the previous day.